
Type Definitions


Bonus entry object.

Name Type Attributes Description
bonus BonusFunction

The filter function that takes one parameter, a member and returns the amount of entries.

cumulative boolean <optional>

If the amount of entries from the function can get summed with other amounts of entries.

BonusFunction(member, giveaway) → {Promise.<number>|number}

Name Type Description
member Discord.GuildMember
giveaway Giveaway
  • Type: Promise.<number> | number


Embed Footer object.

Name Type Attributes Description
text string <optional>

The text of the footer.

iconURL string <optional>

The icon URL of the footer of ALL giveaway embeds.
"text" is required to be defined, when the icon is to be shown in the main embed.

ExemptMembersFunction(member, giveaway) → {Promise.<boolean>|boolean}

Name Type Description
member Discord.GuildMember
giveaway Giveaway
  • Type: Promise.<boolean> | boolean


Raw giveaway object (used to store giveaways in the database).

Name Type Attributes Description
startAt number

The start date of the giveaway.

endAt number

The end date of the giveaway.

winnerCount number

The number of winners for the giveaway.

ended boolean

If the giveaway has ended.

messages GiveawayMessages

The giveaway messages.

prize string

The giveaway prize.

thumbnail string <optional>

The URL appearing as the thumbnail on the giveaway embed.

image string <optional>

The URL appearing as the image on the giveaway embed.

channelId Discord.Snowflake

The Id of the channel.

guildId Discord.Snowflake

The Id of the guild.

winnerIds Array.<Discord.Snowflake> <optional>

The winner Ids of the giveaway after it ended.

messageId Discord.Snowflake

The Id of the message.

exemptPermissions Array.<Discord.PermissionResolvable> <optional>

Members with any of these permissions will not be able to win the giveaway.

exemptMembers string <optional>

Filter function to exempt members from winning the giveaway.

bonusEntries string <optional>

The array of BonusEntry objects for the giveaway.

embedColor Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embed when it is running.

embedColorEnd Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embed when it has ended.

hostedBy string <optional>

The mention of the user who hosts the giveaway.

extraData any <optional>

The extra data for this giveaway.

lastChance LastChanceOptions <optional>

The options for the last chance system.

pauseOptions PauseOptions <optional>

The options for the pause system.

isDrop boolean <optional>

If the giveaway is a drop, or not.
Drop means that if the amount of valid entrants to the giveaway is the same as "winnerCount" then it immediately ends.

allowedMentions Discord.MessageMentionOptions <optional>

Which mentions should be parsed from the giveaway messages content.


The edit method options.

Name Type Attributes Description
newWinnerCount number <optional>

The new number of winners.

newPrize string <optional>

The new giveaway prize.

addTime number <optional>

Number of milliseconds to add to the giveaway duration.

setEndTimestamp number <optional>

The timestamp of the new end date.

newMessages GiveawayMessages <optional>

The new giveaway messages.
Will get merged with the existing object, if there.

newThumbnail string <optional>

The new thumbnail URL.

newImage string <optional>

The new image URL.

newExtraData any <optional>

The new extra data for this giveaway.

newBonusEntries Array.<BonusEntry> <optional>

The new BonusEntry objects.

newExemptMembers ExemptMembersFunction <optional>

The new filter function to exempt members from winning the giveaway.

newLastChance LastChanceOptions <optional>

The new options for the last chance system.
Will get merged with the existing object, if there.


The Giveaway messages that are used to display the giveaway content.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
giveaway string <optional>
'🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY** 🎉🎉'

Displayed above the giveaway embed when the giveaway is running.

giveawayEnded string <optional>
'🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY ENDED** 🎉🎉'

Displayed above the giveaway embed when the giveaway has ended.

giveawayEndedButton string <optional>
'Go to the giveaway'

Displayed under the giveaway ended message when the giveaway has ended.

title string <optional>

The title of the giveaway embed.
Will default to the prize of the giveaway if the value is not a string.

inviteToParticipate string <optional>
'React with 🎉 to participate!'

Displayed in the giveaway embed. Invite people to react to the giveaway.

winMessage string | MessageObject <optional>
'Congratulations, {winners}! You won **{this.prize}**!\n{this.messageURL}'

Sent in the channel when the giveaway is ended. "{winners}" will be replaced automatically with the mentions of the giveaway winners.

drawing string <optional>
'Drawing: {timestamp}'

Displayed below "inviteToParticipate" in the giveaway embed: "{timestamp-relative} ({timestamp-default})", "{timestamp-relative}" will dynamically represent the time remaining, while "{timestamp-default}" will automatically reflect the original timestamp.

dropMessage string <optional>
'Be the first to react with 🎉'

Displayed in the giveaway embed for drop giveaways.

embedFooter string | EmbedFooterObject <optional>
'{this.winnerCount} winner(s)'

The footer of the giveaway embed. An empty string can be used for "deactivation".

noWinner string <optional>
'Giveaway cancelled, no valid participations.'

Displayed in the giveaway embed when there is no valid winner for the giveaway.

winners string <optional>

Displayed in the giveaway embed before the winners.

endedAt string <optional>
'Ended at'

Displayed as the embed footer, next to the giveaway end date, when the giveaway has ended.

hostedBy string <optional>
'Hosted by: {this.hostedBy}'

Below the "inviteToParticipate" message, in the description of the embed.


The reroll method options.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
winnerCount number <optional>

The number of winners to pick.

messages Object <optional>

The messages used in this method.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
congrat string | MessageObject <optional>
':tada: New winner(s): {winners}! Congratulations, you won **{this.prize}**!'

The message used if there are new winners.

error string | MessageObject <optional>
'No valid participations, no new winner(s) can be chosen!'

The message used if no new winner(s) could be chosen.

replyWhenNoWinner boolean <optional>

Whether or not to send the "error" message when there is no winner.


The start options for new giveaways.

Name Type Attributes Description
duration number

The giveaway duration (milliseconds).

winnerCount number

The number of winners for the giveaway.

prize string

The giveaway prize.

hostedBy Discord.User <optional>

The user who hosts the giveaway.

exemptPermissions Array.<Discord.PermissionResolvable> <optional>

Members with any of these permissions will not be able to win a giveaway.

exemptMembers ExemptMembersFunction <optional>

Function to filter members.
If true is returned, the member will not be able to win the giveaway.

bonusEntries Array.<BonusEntry> <optional>

An array of BonusEntry objects.

embedColor Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embed when it is running.

embedColorEnd Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embed when it has ended.

messages GiveawayMessages <optional>

The giveaway messages.

thumbnail string <optional>

The URL appearing as the thumbnail on the giveaway embed.

image string <optional>

The URL appearing as the image on the giveaway embed.

extraData any <optional>

The extra data for this giveaway.

lastChance LastChanceOptions <optional>

The options for the last chance system.

pauseOptions PauseOptions <optional>

The options for the pause system.

isDrop boolean <optional>

If the giveaway is a drop, or not.
Drop means that if the amount of valid entrants to the giveaway is the same as "winnerCount" then it immediately ends.

allowedMentions Discord.MessageMentionOptions <optional>

Which mentions should be parsed from the giveaway messages content.


The giveaways manager options.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
storage string <optional>

The storage path for the giveaways.

forceUpdateEvery number <optional>

Force the giveaway messages to be updated at a specific interval.

endedGiveawaysLifetime number <optional>

The number of milliseconds after which ended giveaways should get deleted from the DB.
⚠ Giveaways deleted from the DB cannot get rerolled anymore!

default Object <optional>

The default options for new giveaways.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
exemptPermissions Array.<Discord.PermissionResolvable> <optional>

Members with any of these permissions won't be able to win a giveaway.

exemptMembers ExemptMembersFunction <optional>

Function to filter members.
If true is returned, the member won't be able to win a giveaway.

embedColor Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embeds when they are running.

embedColorEnd Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the giveaway embeds when they have ended.

buttonEmoji string <optional>

The emoji to participate in giveaways.

buttonStyle number <optional>

The emoji to participate in giveaways.

lastChance LastChanceOptions <optional>

The options for the last chance system.


The last chance options.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
enabled boolean <optional>

If the last chance system is enabled.

content string <optional>
'⚠️ **LAST CHANCE TO ENTER !** ⚠️'

The text of the embed when the last chance system is enabled.

threshold number <optional>

The number of milliseconds before the giveaway ends when the last chance system will be enabled.

embedColor Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the embed when last chance is enabled.


Message object.

Name Type Attributes Description
content string <optional>

The raw message

embed Discord.JSONEncodable.<Discord.APIEmbed> | Discord.APIEmbed <optional>

The embed

components Array.<(Discord.JSONEncodable.<Discord.APIActionRowComponent.<Discord.APIActionRowComponentTypes>>|Discord.APIActionRowComponent.<Discord.APIActionRowComponentTypes>)> <optional>

The components.
"content" or "embed" is required to be defined.

replyToGiveaway boolean <optional>

If the sent message should reply to the giveaway embed.


The pause options.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
isPaused boolean <optional>

If the giveaway is paused.

content string <optional>

The text of the embed when the giveaway is paused.

unpauseAfter number <optional>

The number of milliseconds, or a timestamp in milliseconds, after which the giveaway will automatically unpause.

embedColor Discord.ColorResolvable <optional>

The color of the embed when the giveaway is paused.

infiniteDurationText string <optional>

The text that gets displayed next to "GiveawayMessages#drawing" in the paused embed, when there is no "unpauseAfter".